Customer Support: +92 312 211 8036
Free delivery in Karachi for orders over Rs. 100,000 SHOP NOW!


How can I contact you?

By email or telephone, see our contact page for full details.

What are your opening hours?

We're open 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Where are you based?

Our head office is based at Suite#4, Plot 48-C, Badar Commercial Phase 5 Ext., D.H.A. Karachi, Pakistan.

What's your NTN number?

Our NTN number is: 5135473

What's your STR number?

Our STR number is: 3277876158083

Do you have any showroom or shop I can visit?

We don't have a shop or showroom as such, we do however operate a trade counter service at our warehouse at Plot No. A-24, Sector 6-F Mehran Town, Korangi Industrial Area Karachi.

I'm looking for support with a technical requirement.

We can help with that! Get in contact (Contact Us Link) with our team.

Do you have sales representatives who can come out to see me?

Unfortunately not, to keep our prices low we don't have external sales reps available to web customers.


Can I order by email or telephone?

Yes, for orders placed by email or telephone we'll send you a payment details document by email.

Are the prices the same online and on the phone?

No, they can differ. You'll find our cheapest prices online. You can order by phone but prices may be higher than those here on our website.

How do I modify an existing order?

Please contact us(page link) directly (telephone is usually quickest) to request an amendment to your order. Once an order has been processed it cannot be changed

Can I add a PO number to my order?

Of course, there's a comments box at the checkout where you can add this.

Do you accept orders from outside of Pakistan?

Yes, we do. However, certain countries may be geo-blocked by our payment processor (VISA/MASTERCARD) in line with it's own security policies or Paksitani Government policy.

Can I issue a purchase order to you?

Unfortunately not, you'll need to order online or by telephone and pay by credit/debit card.

Can you fill out our supplier questionnaire?

Unfortunately not, as an online store we don't accept or reply to requests to complete supplier questionnaires.


I can't find the item I'm looking for or it is not in stock.

If you can't find what you're looking for, or the item you need is out of stock you can contact our team .

Is test certification available for my product?

Yes, where available you can request this using the comments box at the checkout. However, we're unable to accept retrospective requests for certification.

I need further details about one of your products.

Most of thee details are online, if not you can always contact us  for more details .

I need CAD files for one of your products, can you provide this?

Unfortunately we cannot supply CAD files in any format for our products.

Do you offer discounts for bulk orders?

In many cases, we can. contact our team with your exact requirements to discuss this further.

The price has changed on an item I've previously bought or been looking at, can you match the old price?

Our prices change frequently, sometimes daily. The price you see on the day is the price you'll pay, we're unable to match previous prices.

Payments What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payment by credit and debit cards issued by Visa, MasterCard or 1Link. You can also make RTGS or other online payment methods can be used.

Do you have a minimum order?

Yes, we have a minimum order value of ________ incl Taxes

Is there a payment limit?

For card payments, there's a limit of PKR _____________.

Do you accept PayPal?

At this time we don't accept payments via PayPal.

Do you accept payments via Apple Pay or Google Pay?

At this time we're unable to accept mobile payments. This includes Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay among others.

How do we request a Tax invoice?

A Tax invoice will be emailed to you automatically when your order is shipped, or for collection orders, once your order is ready to collect.

Can I pay by bank transfer?

Yes, we accept payment by RTGS or other online payment methods for amounts over PKR ___________. Anything below this can be paid for by credit or debit card.

I'm collecting, can I pay when I get to you?

Unfortunately not, all orders must be paid for in advance. If you don't complete payment, your order doesn't complete and never comes through to us!


Can I track my order during transit?

Check your order history for a tracking number, if no tracking number is shown please contact us directly.

Can I redirect an order in transit?

Some carriers will allow this, check the order tracking to see if this option is available. We cannot redirect a shipment on your behalf.

How do we request proof of delivery (POD)?

POD's can usually be obtained directly via the couriers delivery tracking page, if not please contact us directly.

Can I collect my order?

Yes, just select "Collection" at the checkout. We'll let you know when your order is ready for collection.

What do I do if my order has not arrived?

Check your order online to see if it's been shipped and if there's a tracking code, if so that's your best place to start. If there's no tracking number you can contact us

Can I have a same-day delivery?

Our carriers don't currently offer same day deliveries.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we do, on most orders over PKR __________ ex Tax. See our delivery page  for more details.

I'm ordering from outside the Pakistan, your website isn't offering me a delivery option?

This means our website has determined that your order is ineligible for our international shipping service, or we don't deliver to your country. See our delivery page  for more details. Please do not select collection if you require delivery. If you're subsequently unable to collect, your order may be cancelled and subject to restocking charges!

My order is over PKR 100,000 ex Taxes, but there's no free delivery option?

You probably have a product in your cart that's excluded from the offer, or your postcode is excluded, or you are ordering outside from Karachi. If you think there's something has gone wrong please contact us.

Can I specify a time or time slot for delivery?

Our carriers don't currently offer timed delivery services.

My delivery is delayed, can I have my money back?

Unfortunately not. Our transit times are estimates only and not guaranteed. However, if you've paid for a pre-noon delivery that arrived after midday please contact us.

Can you offer plain-label/drop-ship delivery?

Yes, to discuss this further please contact us.

My delivery is more expensive than expected?

Our delivery costs are weight-based so heavy orders cost more to ship, surcharges also apply when shipping to some areas. Full details can be found on our delivery page .

My Details & Account:

I've forgotten my password, can you help me?

No problem, just request a new password here

How do I change my password?

You can change this from your account dashboard. If you've forgotten your password you can request a new password

How can I update my contact details or saved addresses?

You can update all of your details from your account dashboard.

Can I open a credit account with you?

Unfortunately, we don't offer credit accounts for use on our website at this time.
